Thursday, 18 September 2014

Film Poster Analysis - Parental Guidance

The composition of the poster seems to have two halves which may contrast the grandparents' and the parents' views and personalities. As the tagline states "here come the grandparents...There go the rules", we can tell that the movie is related to all the wacky and wild events that take place while the grandparents come to visit. The different fonts of the slogan also supports the idea of the different views that the parents and grandparents hold as the font above the parents is plain and simple whereas the font above the grandparents seems more like handwriting on the wall, which is something young children would do. The other drawings, mess and hand prints on the wall also emphasizes how out of hand, the children get after the grandparents come. 
I think the genre off the movie is comedy as the poster shows off many comedic aspects such as the two contrasting sides of calmness and madness. The different poses the family are in also connotes comedic aspects as the parents, the mother in particular, are standing in very strong, trustworthy stances whereas the grandfather, although standing happily with his wife, is holding onto his two grandsons, one hanging upside down in the air. The typography of the film title also lets the audience understand straight away, that the film is a comedy film.
The target audience of the film is probably all ages as it serves as a very humorous film for the whole family to watch. The poster makes the film seem lighthearted and funny which will be enjoyable for most people.

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