Thursday, 29 January 2015

Ill Manors - TEDx Lecture

Make notes on the lecture: focus on Plan B/Ben Drew's views on the opportunities for young people in London and how these inspired Ill Manors.

  • Many young people have no authority and feel ignored by society
  • Plan B came from a less fortunate, dysfunctional family and decided to make an album that reaches out to the young people from similar backgrounds to him by speaking there language (quite a lot of swearing) and hopes to teach kids in an unorthodox way, the realities of gang life.  
  • society dehumanizes youth of a less educated and less fortunate background by calling them chavs. (In Plan B's perspective, chav stands for council housed and violent)
  • this derogative word for the youth with a bad background and society continues to label youth through the media. 
  • Plan B is passionate about helping these less fortunate kids and tries to give them opportunities when he sees talent.
  • Ill manors acts as a warning to youth so they would not end up like the characters in his film.

What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.

Plan B, due to his own experiences, believes that young people should be receive the same opportunities despite their family and financial background. He believes that society is very judgemental towards the youth and use derogative labels such as chav to push these kids out of society completely, leading to many of the youth disregarding authoritative figures and have a similar lifestyle to the characters in his film. As Plan B himself grew up in a dysfunctional family and did not have a very good education (as he was kicked out of school in yr 10 and no other schools wanted to take him), he feels empathic towards today's youth and tries to use his position to offer as many opportunities to the youth who show talent. He hopes to show viewers, through his film, that it isn't the young people's fault as to why they are in the difficult situations they are in and maybe, with a little more acceptance from society, the youth will be able to have more control and lead a life with hope that they can succeed.

Who is the target audience of the TEDx lecture? Demographics? Psychographics? How do you know? How does this compare to the audience for his music/films?

Unlike the demographics and psychographics for the actual film, the demographics and psychographics for the TEDx lecture is very different. The demographics seemed to be aimed at group A primarily as group A consists of wealthy, upperclass people who would be able to make a significant difference in the youths' lives. People within group A would be able to offer young people with job experience and help them have a future. The psychographics that the lecture seems to be aimed at are reformers as they would be able to reform societies misconception that the youth are useless and can be a threat to society. Also, reformers would be passionate about helping young people on the right track and influencing them to think carefully about their future. The audience for his films and music are more aimed at young people as the media form it is in is more appealing to a younger audience. Also Plan B often swears and speaks very casually in his music and films in order to get through to the younger generation. His films and music acts as a warning to the youth whereas the lecture acts as a request for help to change these youth's lives.

What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panicsRead this summary of moral panics and the definition from Wikipedia and use them in your answer.

 Plan B says that the media intentionally labels the youth with derogative and offence words in order to completely push them out of society.Cohen's media theory of moral panic being that certain issues that challenge the dominant view will become a major concern for society. Plan B believes that the media portrays the youth as out of control therefore causing a moral panic in society. As the media constantly highlights youth's wrongdoings, the young people are slowly becoming demhumanized which may be one of the reasons that is leading them to go out of control since they are aware that they will never get society's approval.

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